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Nanjing binglab Tips | How to manage laboratory consumables?

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Nanjing binglab Tips | How to manage laboratory consumables?


Nanjing Binglab ( is a professional manufacturer of laboratory products, engaged in the production, development and sales of high-tech trace analytical laboratory containers, to fill the gap in China.

Laboratory consumables are essential tools for laboratory management of laboratory apes. Laboratory administrators should manage laboratory consumables and reagents in a unified manner, and record in detail all consumables and reagents received by the laboratory. Each person in charge should receive corresponding consumables and reagents according to the type of experiment he is responsible for. Different laboratories have different approaches to consumable management. Actually hard to manage? Not easy to manage? Give you support!


No. 1 Clarify management responsibilities

The laboratory should specify the person in charge of laboratory safety and the management department for testing consumables. The management department should formulate the corresponding procurement, storage, use procedures and corresponding assessment system. The department using consumables should specify the person in charge of safety and the management personnel of consumables.

No.2 Classification of inspection consumables

Inspection consumables include reagent consumables and non-reagent consumables.

Reagent consumables include: chemical reagents, reference reagents, standard substances, laboratory water, microbial culture media, kits, solutions or solid mixtures prepared by related reagents, etc.

Non-reagent consumables include: glassware, experimental gases, instrument-specific consumables, filter paper, rubber products, etc. Inspection consumables have dangerous characteristics such as explosion, flammability, poison, infection, corrosion, and radioactivity. During transportation, storage, use, and disposal, they are likely to cause personal casualties, property damage, or environmental pollution and require special protection and precursors. Chemicals become “hazardous goods”.

No.3 Management requirements

(1) Make a procurement plan
The laboratory should formulate a procurement plan and purchase according to the plan, but some laboratories do not have a procurement plan and purchase supplies more casually, which increases the workload of acceptance on the one hand, and creates unstable factors for the quality of testing work on the other hand . The procurement plan should have comprehensive and sufficient information, and should specify the product name, specification, grade, quantity, and procurement time limit of consumables. If there is a shelf life, you must fill in the shelf life, whether certificates and other supporting documents are required, and if dangerous goods are involved, the person in charge of laboratory safety should countersign, etc. .

(2) Implementation of procurement
Establish and improve supplier files, keep at least 3 suppliers of the same type of supplies, investigate and evaluate the qualifications, credibility and types of suppliers of suppliers, and make the procurement of supplies economical and more To ensure quality, we must put the quality of supplies first; according to the procurement situation, regularly evaluate and record suppliers, and select qualified suppliers through long-term cooperation. When the procurement plan is implemented, it is generally required to inquire from qualified suppliers, and generally requires to inquire from more than 2 qualified suppliers. After confirming the supplier, sign the purchase contract.

(3) Acceptance of consumables
In terms of consumables acceptance, it is necessary to be comprehensive and targeted, and to check the links that may affect the quality of the inspection in a practical manner, and to eliminate the factors that affect the inspection work. This is also the accumulation of laboratory experience and lessons. The management department is responsible for the acceptance of specifications, grades, quantities, shelf life, and quality certification documents of consumables. The user department is responsible for the acceptance of the quality of consumables, and should formulate corresponding documents to guide the acceptance of key consumables.

Measuring glassware such as graduated straws, measuring cylinders, and volumetric bottles consume a lot in the laboratory. It is impossible to calibrate every glassware in our actual work, but at least one set of certified glassware should be reserved for purchasing Comparison and acceptance of measurement glass instruments to ensure that the accuracy of purchased glass instruments is within the controllable range.

Hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid used for trace element detection should be checked by the instrument for background interference; organic solvents used in chromatography should be checked for interference at the target peak by the instrument; microbial culture media can pass negative or positive Control test is used for acceptance; laboratory water can be inspected and accepted according to the “Analytical Laboratory Water Specifications and Test Methods” for the corresponding grade requirements.

Misunderstandings that are prone to occur in the procurement acceptance work. Some laboratories’ acceptance of supplies is mere formality, while some laboratories have passed the acceptance of a certain brand once and think that future purchases do not need to be accepted.

Some laboratories believe that well-known reagents produced by large manufacturers are no problem, and they are suitable for all testing work. In fact, no matter how good a product is, there is a fluctuation range of pass rate and quality index, but we believe too much that the product quality of the enterprise is 100% and neglect acceptance. Work carries certain risks. Therefore, the consumables that have not been accepted or failed to pass the acceptance cannot be put into the warehouse, and the consumables that have passed the acceptance can be put into the consumables warehouse to establish an inventory ledger.

(4) Receiving consumables
When the consumables are used, the management department and the user department shall hand over the consumables and make a record of the delivery. Toxic drugs strictly implement the principle of receiving on demand, measuring and recording, and returning the remaining. Bottled consumables are kept in stock at the place of use, and the user department will return the old bottle (empty bottle) to the warehouse when receiving new consumables. The returned empty bottles will be processed by qualified units entrusted by the laboratory.

No.4 Consumables library management

The consumables warehouse should have detailed storage records, inventory records, storage records and withdrawal records to ensure that the accounts are consistent with the facts. Prepare electronic documents of consumables in stock and update them in real time for reference by users and managers. Store according to the characteristics of consumables:

Strong drugs are subject to double locks and stored separately;

Oxidizing substances and reducing substances are stored separately;

Organic and inorganic are arranged in different areas;

Solids on top, liquids on bottom, etc. According to the storage requirements of consumables, configure safety facilities, do a good job in environmental monitoring of consumables warehouses, and fill in monitoring records to ensure that the environment meets the requirements. Strengthen the management of dangerous goods, double locks are implemented for highly toxic drugs, metered use, and surplus returns. Open flames and other non-consumable items are strictly prohibited from entering the warehouse.

No.5 Consumables usage management

When using consumables, care should be taken to protect the label identification of consumables to prevent contamination and damage to the labels. Those that require special storage should meet the storage requirements and make relevant records; pay attention to the valid use period of consumables, and use consumables within the valid period. Consumables beyond the valid period are generally treated as inspection waste to prevent misuse. After taking the reagent, the mouth of the bottle should be closed effectively in time to prevent the reagent from polluting and failing or spilling out to pollute the environment or cause a safety accident. After the bottled reagent consumables are used up, the empty bottles should be returned to the consumables library, and the empty reagent bottles should not be disposed or discarded at will.

The reagent solution prepared should meet the specified requirements, and should be written and labeled in time. Appropriate containers should be used to store reagents, and volumetric flasks, graduated test tubes, etc. should not be used for long-term storage and configuration of solutions. When using gas cylinders for experiments, necessary fixation should be carried out to prevent falls and accidents; when replacing gas cylinders, attention should be paid to leak detection at valve connections.

No.6 Inspection Consumables Inspection and Assessment

The laboratory should carry out necessary inspection and assessment on the management of consumables. The key points of problems that are likely to occur during the storage and use of consumables are clearly required and controlled, and regular supervision, inspection and assessment are carried out. Cultivate good and standardized usage habits of consumables, guide the orderly and reasonable management of inspection consumables, and ensure the safety of experiments and the accuracy of inspection data.

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