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What are good laboratory practices?----Nanjing Binglab

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What are good laboratory practices?----Nanjing Binglab

Professional Manufacturer of Laboratory Fluoropolymer Instruments and Consumables

Every link in the experiment is very important, and ignoring any of them may lead to the failure of the experiment. Everyone has some good and small habits in the experiment, and doing experiments together often helps to learn from each other.

1 Experimental safety

1.1 Wear work clothes when entering the laboratory. Don’t take chances. If you accidentally touch acid, it’s a trivial matter to burn a hole in your beloved clothes, but it’s troublesome to burn your skin. Don’t feel troublesome, you must wear gloves to do experiments that are harmful to your body, and be responsible for your own body.

1.2 Clean and wash your hands before and after the experiment. If you go to rest and drink water in the middle of the experiment, you should also wash your hands. Don’t think that the experimental medicine just now is not toxic. Life is very important, so be careful. In addition, if your hands are dirty, the experimental equipment and reagents may be contaminated, samples, causing experimental errors. When you’re working, don’t wipe whatever gets on your hands on your white coat.

1.3 When volatile or toxic substances are involved, it must be operated in a fume hood.

1.4 The waste liquid must be handled properly, sorted and cleaned up in time. The toxic and harmful waste liquid should be clearly marked, and the discarded reagent bottles should be discarded without washing. In case someone picks up the used acid bottle, use it , is also dangerous. Case 1. A staff member of a company used the waste liquid containing a large amount of toluene as a chromic acid lotion (the two are similar in color), mixed them together, and immediately exploded, leaving scars on the corners of his eyes. 2. During a process of waste liquid disposal, a bottle of unlabeled liquid was poured into a large waste liquid bucket and exploded. Later, it was learned that what he was pouring was phosphorus oxychloride, which would decompose when it met water, releasing a lot of heat.

1.5 Close the windows and lock the door after get off work. The weather in summer is changeable, and most of the laboratories are chemicals, some of which are strong acids, strong alkalis, and drugs. Pay attention to whether the water and electricity are safe before leaving or entering the laboratory.

1.6 Don’t shake the pipette to shake out the water inside. I think this habit is not good. If the pipette is not water but other acids or alkalis, how about throwing it on other people.

1.7 When putting rubber plugs on the glass tubes and condenser tubes, be careful not to use force, and don’t cause bloody hands to bleed for a long time.

1.8 The lab coat must fit well, and it is best to have tight cuffs! Otherwise, the two big sleeves will easily cause trouble.

2 Experimental details

2.1 The preparation work before the experiment is very important. It should be well prepared before the experiment. The experiments to be done every day should be carried out with simple thinking. Think clearly about the questions that come to you, and prepare them well, so as not to be confused when you get them. For the first new experiment, it is best to ask someone who has done similar experiments. For experiments that are not often done, it is best to make a detailed test flow chart and paste it in front of the test bench. The places that need special attention should be specially marked , which can be referenced at any time.

2.2 Keep the laboratory clean and tidy. After the experiment, the medicines should be returned to the original place, the used instruments, etc. should be restored to their original state, and they can’t be spread anywhere. Always keep your experimental table clean, not only for you to get good results, but also for yourself The mood to do experiments cannot be done neatly. Get into the habit of cleaning up with your hands during the experiment. Where things come from and where to put them back, it is convenient for yourself and colleagues.

2.3 Do not pour out the digested stock solution in a hurry. It is best to wait for the data to be calculated before pouring it out. In this way, in case of abnormal data or exceeding the standard data, it can be re-inspected without repeated digestion.

2.4 No matter what solution you pack or what container you use, you must write a label and paste it or use a marker to mark it, so as not to take it wrong. But it should be noted that it is marked with a marker pen. If the quality is not good enough, if you accidentally encounter organic reagents or water, it will suddenly disappear, and then you will think about N bottles… and write more on the bottles. Number or label.

2.5 Sometimes the solution configured has expired, but because it will not have much impact, sometimes it is inevitable to be lazy, this is not a good habit. Sometimes you can just find a piece of paper to record the scale, and you can’t find the paper later.

2.6 After the microbiological test, the culture medium should not be discarded with domestic garbage, and should be sterilized.

2.7 After the test is completed, the data should be processed immediately and compared with the previous test results. If there is any difference, the reason should be found out immediately and recorded for future query and comparison. Regularly summarize the test data and results, find out the rules, and make conclusions.

2.8 After using the balance, clean it in time, especially some corrosive things, if you don’t clean it up immediately, the balance room will be seriously damaged.

2.9 Now a lot of experimental data are stored in the computer, it is best to back them up every once in a while, so as not to lose all the data before the computer fails and suffer heavy losses.

2.10 Do not chat with colleagues while doing experiments. Especially when constant volume or titration, the attention must be concentrated, and it will pass if you are not careful.

2.11 Can’t find shortcuts: For example, when measuring or constant volume, it is probably or hastily done.

2.12 It is especially emphasized that when doing analysis, if there are abnormal phenomena or data, the content of the prompt dialog box when the instrument fails must be recorded, which is of great reference value for analysis problems.

2.13 You must be aware of the consumables related to the instruments you use. If you need them, you should prepare for purchase in advance, and don’t find out after the consumables are exhausted.

2.14 Before adding the reagent, mix it well, so as not to leave it for a long time and finish the experiment with uneven concentration.

2.15 Remove the pipette tip from the pipette immediately after suction, so as not to draw another reagent with the same tip when you are in a hurry. After the pipette is used up, return it to the position of maximum measurement to prevent the spring from losing over time. Elasticity, when using the gun, be sure to absorb the liquid gently, so as not to suck the liquid into the gun, it will easily corrode the gun, and it is easy to contaminate future experiments. Do not keep it in your hand when not in use, and do not turn it upside down (especially when there is still liquid in it). It is best to use a pipette to make a standard curve or to add liquid continuously and accurately, because the pipette gun continues to add liquid, and the spring will heat up and the pipetting will be biased.

2.16 Repeated freezing and thawing in the refrigerator will make the writing blurred, and you can stick it on the outside of the writing with scotch tape.

2.17 It is best to change only one experimental condition at a time, otherwise it will be unclear which condition change affects the experimental results. I think the most important thing to do in an experiment is patience and meticulousness. Another point is not to feel ashamed to consult!

2.18 For liquid samples stored in round-bottomed flasks, it is necessary to ensure that the samples are placed in a safe and stable place. Sometimes, if you are not careful, all previous efforts may be wasted and there will be no tears.

2.19 The bottles in the refrigerator must be properly placed and labeled (markers are unreliable, and the color may fade even after a few days), otherwise, no one will remember them after a while, and they must be cleaned up. The product is very troublesome. Glassware falls and slips, no matter how important it is, don’t pick it up with your hands!!

2.20 Every time you weigh the medicine or measure the reagent, open the medicine bottle, the lid should be turned upside down and placed on the table, and should not be buckled directly on the table.

3 Experimental efficiency

3.1 Plan scientifically, allocate time reasonably, and be busy but not chaotic. Design a good experimental schedule so that you can do more in a limited time. It is possible to prepare the laboratory when the balance is warming up, and to prepare for the next step of the experiment during the digestion, such as the preparation of filtration or constant vessel. Use the free time from centrifugation and electrophoresis to make up records and do some finishing work.

4 Glassware

4.1 The glassware should be washed in time after use, so that it is easy to clean even after the experiment.

4.2 Do not place medicines, solvents, solutions or glassware on the edge of the table to avoid breaking.

4.3 The glassware should be washed well and placed in the oven. The weighing bottle should be dried at 105 degrees and then placed in the desiccator. The glassware with constant volume can only be dried in an oven at 40 degrees.

4.4 The standard grinding mouth instrument must be disassembled in time after use, otherwise the grinding mouth may stick tightly after a long time.

5 Reagents

The prepared reagents must be written in time and in detail on the bottle label, just make a simple mark on the bottle, after a long time, I also forget what those reagents are, so this bottle of reagents is scrapped.

6 Instruments

6.1 When the experiment of the instrument is completed, especially before leaving work to allow time to do some instrument maintenance (such as washing the column/pipeline, etc.), it should be shut down in strict accordance with the shutdown steps to ensure that the instrument is in a good state when it is turned on next time.

6.2 It is also a bad habit to leave while the atomic absorption is burning. It is also dangerous to open the gas without checking whether the atomic absorption waste water pipe is sealed or not, and it is easy to cause an explosion.

6.3 When doing atomic absorption analysis:
1. The waste liquid pipe must be tied with a knot and then put into the waste liquid bucket to prevent the backflow of waste liquid from affecting the measurement results
2. When analyzing the extract, remember to burn and flush the pipeline with acetone-ethanol mixture (1+1) after finishing, and then rinse with pure water.

6.4 When using expensive equipment, people must not go away to do other experiments before the equipment is in normal operation. This must be remembered. For example, when someone was using the Beckman J25 high-speed refrigerated centrifuge, he walked away before the centrifuge rose to the set speed. No one knew that the sound was abnormal when it reached the set speed, until the centrifugation was completed, the equipment was also finished, and the shaft was slightly off. As a result, some liquid came out, once the balance was lost, the sound of the centrifuge would be very different. It took tens of thousands of repairs, and it would be even more serious if someone was injured. All equipment, expensive or cheap, must be used with care.

7 Categories

7.1 Drugs and articles should be classified and discharged, especially when taking tools or things from a laboratory during the test, they must be put back in their original place after use, and registration is required if required. 

8 Savings

8.1 Do not cherish laboratory instruments and equipment, do not save pharmaceutical reagents, think that things are very cheap, and do not know how to save laboratory costs.

9 records

9.1 The experiment record book should be carried at any time during the experiment to record and record at any time, not only the record of experimental data, but also the record of instrument use, environmental conditions or other normal and abnormal situations and phenomena should be recorded in detail in time. Use each instrument to register the instrument use record.

9.2 Pay attention to observe and write down the description of the experimental phenomenon during the interval of the experiment (it will be helpful in the future), carefully record each data, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, although this is a common saying, but don’t give up the importance of the pen, no matter the data is good or bad, To recognize the chronological records, you must not write or even tamper with the data casually, which will bring trouble to yourself. After the experiment, pay attention to the arrangement and analysis of the experimental data.

9.3 Some people do not have the habit of recording the experimental process in a timely manner, and are prone to repeat the same type of wrong work. In the records, it is especially important to mention that some people only record what they did right, and they are afraid of being discovered by the leader if they are wrong. I think the value of “these failure records” is ten times that of making correct records. These records can not only make myself, but also my colleagues less mistakes, improve work efficiency, and even recover losses.

9.4 As an experimenter, you should have the habit of cherishing data and various records. Don’t throw all kinds of data or records around. You should analyze the records or data regularly, especially when there are abnormalities, so that you can be as comprehensive as possible to understand the performance of the instrument.

9.5 Carry a marker pen with you. Flasks, beakers, etc. should be numbered one by one, don’t be afraid of trouble, it’s better than racking your brains at a glance. If possible, use a dedicated set of utensils for an experiment, and mark them with a marker pen.

10 Things to keep in mind when leaving the lab every day

1. Whether the things that should be put back into the refrigerator are put back, and whether the refrigerator door is closed tightly.

2. Whether the common things have been restored.

3. The instrument to be cleaned, whether the bottle is soaked.

4. Whether the power of the instrument is turned off.

5. Check whether the test bench is cleaned.

6. Whether the test records are written in time.

7. Do you have a plan in mind for what to do tomorrow?

8. Are the doors and windows closed?

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